A waste?
Went to Toa Payoh Hub after school today… AND I BOUGHT NOTHING!!! Wasted my trip! Zzz. I mean, hold on man. Remember what Leroy said in the camp? Mindset determines your outcome. So it's a waste ‘cause YOU think it's a waste! Think of the good things out of it! Well…
Firstly, the trip gave several things to think about. For one, there are 3 shops to find a bargain. In addition, they are just next to each other. So we just need to comb one at a time to find the sweetest deal. Ooo yeah. Secondly, there are many things you could buy. Shampoo, face wash, moisturiser, toothpaste, cologne and many more. The list just goes on. But, I do have to admit. There are several caveats. When going through the shelves, I could only find a limited range of brands for a specific product. For instance, I originally wanted to purchase an oil controlling toner. To my surprise, I could only find the Clean & Clear product in a single shop. I did not really checked through the other shops. I simply could not find another brand that do the same thing. But hey, the price beats the last time I saw that very same product! At my neighbourhood mini-mart. I saw the bottle going for about 3 bucks. AND I SAW IT AT $1.35!!!!!!!
Forgive my indulgence in such a debate. Somehow, I kinda found the need to at least get rid of the pimples on my face. GOSH, they are irritating. Also, my face tends to be ‘shiny’ moon in the afternoon. And especially when I have a bald head, I will look like the moon! HAHA. Looking at the arsenal of facial/body products my brother has in his cupboard just amazes me. I mean, it is quite an investment you know! A facial cleanser costs about $8. Then, you have the facial moisturizer. Don’t forget about the toner! Followed by pimple cream and if you can’t seem to get your itchy hands from scratching them, you’ll need the pimple scar cream. AND quoted from my friend, that could cost as much as $30! WHATTTTT??? Oh, and I’ve yet to start on the hair products! Shampoo, hair moisturizer, hair gel/wax. THAT’S ALREADY A LOT HOR!!! Bringing the total costs to about… near $100? Oh my.
I think it’s cool that my brother has all these stuff. I mean, I could just pop by his room and ‘borrow’. Hehe.
On a serious note, keeping good hygiene is just essential for everyone. Don’t ever say that the girls are just so beauty conscious. I mean, for men too, we do have a dress/look code to reach. Oh c’mon, would the ladies look at an oily, sweaty, pimple-full and lethargic face OR will their eyes befall upon the complexion of a man that truly shows his confidence and might; Sharp, smart, smooth and clean? Think. Buuutt… I still need a solution to my oil field face. I’m sure some Abu Dhabi investor would be interested in my black gold. Pure disgusting man. My nose would shine in the afternoon like some… ugh. I can’t even explain!
Anyway, I thought of getting my physique back. Maybe do a set of 2.4 runs everyday. My trip to today’s gym was pretty insightful. At the end of the day, the best way to shape your body is to, well, run. Not that hard. As you run more. Your body and mind seems to synchronise to develop a kind of sports orientated lifestyle. You’ll begin to work your muscles and more than ever, run and run some more! Running is cool. I focused on my upper body build, doing bicep curls, seated pull downs and concentration plus hammer curls. There’s a lot to learn when heading down to the gym. It will be beneficial since you learn more about the development of the body muscles. Pretty cool.
Currently, I need my back to be in tip top shape. Then slowly, I’ll develop my biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. At the same time, I want to get my quadriceps in a better. But that will require more cutting. So more running! Haha. It’s good la. I mean, I’m working towards a goal here! Maybe her too? Hmm.