Sunday, December 27, 2009


FINALLY, I got something I wanted. I had to come back for a second round before my parents finally gave the green light. Maybe due to the fact that my holidays are ending in a weeks’ time and so they think that it’s enough time to re-grow? Hmm, good point. At the end of the day, I got it. Fellas, I am officially BOTAK.

I actually planned to have my head shaved a while back. Since like a week before my common tests, I had thought of getting a fresh new look. Well it wasn’t the freshness that made the decision. I had always wondered how I’d look being botak. And in addition, being botak has this perception of total discipline and control. Stereotype? Nah. If it is, why do balding people tell me that they are getting old? (And in some cases, they have a flashy sports car parked beside them.) Just wow.

I mean at the end of the day, there’s no harm. My hair will simply grow back. I could gauge how fast my hair is growing ‘cause when I was in SA, had to visit the barber every 3 weeks or so. If not, I will be seeing the Discipline Master instead! Also, like I’ve said earlier, it gives a sense of discipline and demands a great something. And it probably is good. I am, after all, LAGGING in my assignments. So it’s a great thing to have an extra motivational source. Wheee-eow.

Being bald isn’t that bad actually. For those who said that you get a lighter and cooler head, give them a pat on the back. It IS feeling lighter and cooler. And for the record, I still look handsome!!! : P

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