Monday, December 07, 2009

Hey Superman!

Wake up yo! It’s nearing 1am right now. I’m still wide awake. I was actually doing my CommT’s CQ Analysis of several advertisements. I was suppose to deduce the consequences or wonders of CQ applications in such areas. My task was just to look at failed advertisements that instead of advertise the product at hand, insults a lot of people. Boohoohoo.

I’m not a big fan of analysis since I’m much geared to Mathematics and Sciences. Analysis comes hand to hand in Humanities, which I entirely lack thereof. And that’s why my syllabus included Interdisciplinary Studies where I learn some are of study that is… outside of my study! Haha. After all, a well sought-after employee is someone that can do many things. Oooo.

But that, later. I had to burn the midnight oil. The presentation is on Tuesday! And I’ve yet to do my slides! What’s worst is that I’ve stumbled a slight hiccup in our chosen ads. I can’t really apply much CQ in the ads. There’s one that especially talks about prejudice and racism and all. BUT so what? What does that ad discuss about that involves CQ? Did it offend people? What faux pas did it commit? What? WHAT?

Yeah yeah, you can safely say that I should have started earlier. But I couldn’t. My mind has been sketchy. It’s sometimes here and sometimes there. I lost my only focus. ZZZZ. Assignments began pilling up. Datelines missed. I am being stretched to my max as I tried to salvage all I could. I told myself, “Wake up, this’ no time to slumber!” I don’t know. I just lost my edge. Ahhh, that made me such a fool. Was I too optimistic? Was I too cavalier to let my ego burst into it’s own form and take me to a roller coaster ride? Where was my focus? Where was my discipline? Where was my self?

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

As my assignments build it’s own kind of “roller coaster ride” for me, it’ll be a shame to ride it and  see it go at the same time. Sigh. Hey, what’s life with no action?

Speaking of which, I am interested in what you think. Though you barely speak to me and will hardly listen to my thoughts, at least know that I will keep a pair of ears for you. Whenever. : D

for you, i will say yes.

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