So it i could have it all...
My Own Room: I used to have a FloorPlanner account. It enables me to create virtual plans of rooms. Tried accessing it earlier on but somehow, it just wont let me in. But I do wish for a room. Just wishing, not in need.
MacBook Pro: Man this is my system. This is WORST CASE SCENARIO!!! If i have a chance to get a new computer, it would be this MacBook Pro. It's actually the software that i crave, not much of the hardware. Dual-boot and Parallels. BF2142 installed. Adobe CS3. Office 07. was asking for iwork but that will be the case if office lag...
DSC T200: Veering out of the professional photography, this snap and shoot camera will just do me justice for every snap. 3.5 inch touch screen and it's face recognition feature is a must. And yes, it's for style.
iPod shuffle or "The Fitness Stick" 4GB: My music walks with me. But the current iPod shuffle will only carry 1gb worth of songs. So i guess i'll wait. you know what will perfect it? if it has a screen. but then, it won't be called a shuffle right? For the fitness stick, it's a great addition for my running and all sweat-it-out stuff. But i think it's a bit pricey. it has a fitness tracking stuff (how many calories burnt and all) but the thing is that it just has a low 2gb.
Well, that's that. Gonna reveal the other half of my wish list later. Hmm, should i study?
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