Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The True Rough Landing

I've just finished marking 2 English comprehension papers I attempted last week. In response of the tight schedule, I've kicked in more slots for my practice, especially with my disadvantageous position. I'm neither high in the social ladders of English command but neither am I part of the roots below. But to mush of my surprise, I got disappointing marks upon totalling up my marks. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I would have figured an easy score of AT LEAST a pass. Honestly, I failed both papers. My answers reflected my lack of understanding of the passage. I had vague and shallow responses. My ideas were over-developed and are being in the know of assuming.

This was just too much. I have to admit, I didn't really expect my language skills to sink like a rock.

Battered by much low morale and bruised so deep, it inches closer to a scar. I feel devastated but do you expect me to let this pain overwhelm me? No, I must embrace my strings that will pull me together. I must request Ms Seah for help. Yes, I do feel it's a bit inappropriate after my disappearing act for the past year and a half. I do feel guilty for insulting her. I do feel bad. So that's why I wish to request for her assistance. She has the right to reject it. Though it will accompany a laugh from her. : ) So I must ask for her assistance. I MUST.

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