Saturday, November 10, 2007


Seriously, I think I'm entertain deprived. I don't go out for movies. The only in-gen game console is my first version of Nintendo DS. My PS1 is collecting dust. I don't go to arcades. My parents don't give me a weekly allowance, especially now. My dad is... being on my nerves. At least my mother understands part of me, not father though... Saturday is spent in front of a computer screen. Sunday is nothing. My brother is being offline. It looks like no one love me anymore. It's not that I want EXPENSIVE stuff or anything nor is it the importance of being high tech or anything like that. I just want to be a family. A happy family, with father happy, having a stable job, not making mother cry and coming home smiling. I keep telling myself not to kill myself. Home is not what it used to be.

If humans don't hate their parents, this makes me inhuman.

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