Tuesday, February 17, 2009

English And All His Friends

Just borrowed a book today. I wonder if I am able to AT LEAST understand this book let alone finish it. Sigh.

There are some debate if I would like to increase traffic to my blog. Of course, which author wouldn't want that!? But it seems that the increased traffic would cause more of 'harm'. I mean, c'mon, who would want to read some random asian dude's blog. I can't even stir up traffic between friends, why would strangers from all over the world read rants of my life. (Same concept of Twitter here.)

A step towards that was moving my focus in creating this space into another tech blog of sorts. After all, I did thought of pursuing a career in journalism. Not till I found out my disrespect of English herself. I basically slaughtered that language, ignoring periods, grammar and even ideas! Looking back at my previous post, How Perfect Plans Need Perfect Execution (link), it would be a loooong road before I reach a footing of journalism. But of course, when there's a will, there's a way. [Writing this paragraph just demonstrated my slippery grip in English.]

For once, I can't even sit down and write a blog post explaning the video post(link) i did back then. GEEZ.

But this blog started as my *personal* space. So it's kinda hard to see me depart from my natural shell. Futhermore, I won't be really productive if I'd just focus in a area. I LOVE TO MULTITASK! (Or is it that I an just easily distractable.)

We'll see about that. Maybe I shall mix Tech news with my non-Tech rant, professionallism with whack-ism.

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