Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Won't Go Home Without You

I passed up my DnT Journal yesterday. It was a great relieve once I handed over the journal. It took me a month plus just to finish it. I won't say it's a good improvement but I'm on the way there.

Oh yeah, school was sucky today. Firstly, I didn't do the homework given. MAN! What's becoming of me? For the past few weeks, I have been slacking. This constant lag has and will bring me to my knees. But still, I do nothing. Sitting here and waiting. Homework was one of the many suckiness. I seem to find it hard to be myself. It's as though something is hindering me. And again, the same situation. The problem lies in front of me. Still, I ignore it. Sitting here and waiting. Talking about me, I made my a.maths teacher angry today. Like I've said, it was hard to be myself today. It's not me to make someone angry. I'm sure my a.maths teacher was angry at me for talking to JJ when she was teaching. What's more worst it that she said that she won't answer any questions I ask her! Oh no! What a great time to say that when I'm lagging behind in my studies.


I ran today. It wasn't my normal route as I was cross-training. Or something like that. As I passed the JC bridge, I thought I saw her. But I was wrong.

But still, it's still evident that I still like her.

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