Sunday, October 05, 2008

Cultural Shock

My mom went up to me last night and said that I gave her a scare when I spoke to her earlier just now. She added that she senses 'something' wrong about and me writing about this just give the creeps again. I was just speechless. I didn't know what to say. I have never been in this situation. Weird.

It all started as my dad wanted me to sit in for the upcoming O's. I told him that in my current rate, I will be unable to achieve what I loved most. And that is actually teaching. He said that he doesn't want me to "think of it that I would fail but just take it as life goes on". And he added that if I were to fail on my second year, I will be really a rock in a hard place. In the midst of it, my mom was suggesting that I was too scared. I exclaimed, "I AM NOT SCARED". That was coupled with my vivid facial expressions. The conversation ended with me upset. The matter is still not resolve. Shall I risk a dull sword? Or wait for my iron to be hot again so I can strike if correctly.

And my mom told me what she felt. At first, I assumed it was a scare tactic to move me but when I saw her face, I was just... speechless. You shoulc see how she explained her worries and the fears she garnered. She said that I have this stare that just abolishes all hope. No, that's just me exaggerating. :D But seriously. what she expressed danced along the same line. Wow.

After my 'cultural shock' this morning, I really am 'WOW-ed'. I must talk to my friends, my Mother, and all who know me. As I say, "Fellas, Do I Look Scary To You?", I will await their responses as I play a reel of my common and uncommon faces.


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