Friday, February 02, 2007

#RD meeting

Real Plan of RoboMeeting:
-Sec 1s' to learn abt building
-Then they will stocktake 2 boxes in teams of 5
-Sec 2s' are to special stocktake the remaining boxes (stocktake by parts)
-Sec 3s' are eithere to help me in the presentation or stocktake

Procedure of meeting on the day itself:
-Presentation of building was carried out
-It was too long and boring
-My lame antics kept it frm being boring but...
-Sec 2s' and 3s' were not cooperating, they were noisy...always... and playing non-stop.
-Zamiq (helped me in presentation) was presenting it wrongly

Comments from Mdm Soh (my teacher in charge of RoboClub):
-Presentation was too long
-Stocktaking the box by the standard way is useless. They should do it by parts. Afterall, they
won't count all the parts
-We should ban all games. They will influence the Sec 1s' to play along
-Just give them a model robot. Tell them to copy that robot. Then on the spot just tell them
abt the pros and cons.

-Pair up the Sec 1s' with the Sec 2s' and Sec 1s'

My Admits on that day:
-I was too long abt the presentation
-Zamiq talks alot...and all of that are cock things
-i have a pehfu on zl rat grnpure

-i hate zrat lnat'f attitude
-i hate people who throw swords at me

What i'm going to do:
-Just show the Sec 1s' the line tracing robot and tell them to replicate the robot
-Talk abt it's fast gear system, type of tires, CG, size and the additional parts it has like rollers
-Gonna make the Sec 2s' do sth

ebg guvegrra

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