Wednesday, January 06, 2010


“For what it’s worth, it’s good. Always good and never bad.”

Those words keep playing in my mind like some endless movie reel. I guess I picked that up some time when I was in the post-Os’ dilemma. Fronted by choices that, will affect everything I did. It also represented one of the many lessons I had learnt in SA, mind over matter. Cementing it further, your mindset determines your outcome. It just reminds me how intrigued I became to Psychology. Gosh, such old memories.

I’m sure by now you notice my blog posts appearing in Facebook. Like any hardworking student, I was making sure I was up to date with my friends’ activity, always having my index finger on the F5 button. And then I saw people posting their blog posts on FB as notes. At first I thought,”Whoa, you all could stand the writing interface of FB’s notes?” Well, that was WHAT I had thought. Little did I know, on the right side of the page lies the IMPORT BLOG button. Haha.

So yeah, gave that a spin and… there you go! (Writer’s Block: What is the speech expression that suggests “Here you go!”. Sounds like ‘wah-lah’ or ‘voi-lah’ phonetically. Anyone?) But anyway, looks pretty decent. If you think that you’ll get more traffic overnight, you’ll be disappointed. I don’t see my visitor stats jumping by the hundreds. In fact, I think I have bots trolling my page as unique visitors! Haha. However, I personally tried a service where it grabs the RSS feed of my blog and updates my tweets whenever a new post rolls out. In turn, I have this FB application that allows my FB to be updated by Twitter! Haha. But looks like the service is down or something. Can’t seem to get it up and running. Give it a try, think it’s called Twitterfeed or something. Check it out (Link). Guess this “Import Blog” feature brings more good than harm. Brings a whole new medium and chance for you all to poke into my life! Harm? Well, now my teachers can see this rant. Oh dear.

Speaking of which, I know it is a bad idea to post such some thoughts here but since this is my space and my blog, all goes out here. No explicit stuff here, kids. Haha. Anyway, find your worth.

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