Sunday, October 09, 2011

I Am Proud of You.

Then, I keep getting distracted. Again.

Ahh, finally, I have the time just to write. I always wanted to write for quite some time. But it simply eludes me. Making matters worst, I've lost my touch on my laptop's keyboard so much that I kept missing letters by a space. So much for AutoCorrect.

About a week back, I just came back from a camp for my CCA club. And all I want to say is that I'm proud. Really. I am proud of the heroes that spend hours to hours preparing a camp. And I am sure you can feel these heavy responsibilities together for we, have been there before. And it is simply exhilarating to see the young ones stand up before you. It's beautiful to see your sons and daughters grow. Okay, now I sound like a old dude. Brrrrr.

Now, I know we don't reckon this as something we exactly condone. But remember the last time, the last time you said no to a challenge. It could be that time when your teacher asked you to be a school prefect and you didn't want to be burdened. Or the time your mother told you to take the trash out and you felt lazy. Or that time when you were too scared to even walk the night walk. ;) And look at yourself today. Count your deeds for once and tell yourself, "You have made it this far."

So we just give our best. The only best.

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