Thursday, March 31, 2011

[Day 29]: Overseas Angst

"Every friggin' time I get this stressed and I smoke, I'll get lung cancer in 1 hour!"
That just popped up in my head somewhere. I guess it's from the constant aerial attack of my neighboring dorms' tobacco stench. Ugh. Could you imagine if that statement is true for me and I smoked because someone else's smoking stressed me out? Talk about a ironic paradox.

Yesterday was certainly better. Well not really. I got food poisoned from a store I patronized for the past 3 weeks. My stomach has been grumbling to me ever since this morning and I might as well just sleep at the restroom for I have made my personal mark at cubicle number 1. HAHA. 

I don't know why but 2 friends got it bad last night. And we ate at the same time! I accompanied them to the hospital just because I was trying to debunk the rumor of a seated toilet bowl in one of UESTC's primary building. And you know how my dorm-mates were craving for this. But didn't at last, what happened was that I got a sneak peak to the privatized healthcare system of UESTC. Not China, but UESTC. Besides, I hardly see any China dude sporting a runny nose or a fever patch.

I'll save for political insights later. 

But yesterday was much better. But today was pure disgusting. Not only I had to combat my stomach but that annoying, irritating, demonic voice that resides in my head. I mean c'mon, enough with this sucky feeling. Just tell her la. Am I just like a ghost to you? And what's with him?! Ass. 

Competition is good but fair play is appreciated please. I'm this close, this close, to just kick him in the nuts.

So here's my deal:
  • Got food poisoning
  • Rashes abound; Bad blood circulating
  • Being ghost
  • Terrible angst in my mind
Yup, China is treating me fine. Ugh. 

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