Sunday, October 07, 2012

Iron sights.

I got this off from a friend.
Remembering Worth and Meaning.
Say you found the meaning of life for a price. Will you be satisfied to trade it for something, something as intangible, the worth of life?
I don't really like how things are going but I will persevere. It does suck to know there seems to be no one out there to talk but that's the harsh reality of life. He says suck your thumb while you're at it. They say take it a cup half full. I say fuck critics. This is war that I define myself, I fight my own war. I fight my own war alone.  
Tonight you sleep in comfort that tomorrow your friends and family are still there. But be ready. Tomorrow might be otherwise. Are you ready to serve without fear or favour? Can you suppress the common emotions that follow and oppress them? Are you willing to strike in a moment's notice? Will you be able to commit even if your heart defies as much to the words that you have heard?  
Are you ready? 
 It's funny how things turn out these days. WELL then, time waits for no one.

4 weeks into this 'training programme', body looks sharp but the mind is faking out. Never dreaded the fact that I am not doing something I really want. Just kept reminding that this is a need. What I dread was to to keep constantly changing myself. Always love to be simple about things around me because to me, it is the simplest things that make life worth it.

Went out last night, came home late and just wondered how long I could last. Better still, I wondered when it's time to be 6 feet under. I'm not being pessimistic or anything. I just am a realist. And as a realist, it's my fucking duty to be a reality check.

What is your worth?

Posed that question more than a year back. I wrote it on my whiteboard and left it facing the glass window of the clubhouse. Thinking it was just a good reminder to those passersby who, well, is just passing life away. I just wanted to open eyes and minds. To my surprise, someone actually wrote a reply and slipped under the door. The answer slipped my mind but it went something like this, "I guess my life is worthless. Wouldn't you agree?"

I remember my response to it, "Why can't you make it worth?"

I know friends who just simply find this NS hoohaa a huge complete waste of time. Their argument is valid. That 2 years of their time could be make or break. Their studies, work, life. But what I don't understand is why can't they understand the need. Yeah, the fact that it puts a fork in our road kinda devalues the meaning. But still, that is still something to look at. I am not deterred by this. I want to talk about something else. These people have a future that they want to create. They are staying hungry, staying foolish. It seems that they found their worth. And that their worth is not of NS.

Why, why can't you make that your worth for these 2 years?

Being selfish again eh? Thankfully, war has no selfish rule. Whatever badges, insignia or flag your don on that green, it only matters where your bullets are flying. In the right direction I hope.

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