Sunday, January 08, 2012

Let's see...

Let's see...

I have a couple of assignments-slash-projects-research-study-slash-side-work that is due in the coming months:

"Up to No Good" - Initial writing about how we derive what is important but mainly how we make ourselves motivated. A deeper look at how 'evil' figures of the World create their reasoning. Even Hitler has a reason.

"Real Selfish" - Questioning the idea of professionalism as a state that we can achieve. Maybe we should cover the topic of born leaders and trained leaders; the origin of leadership. Focusing on integrity and re-defining selfishness as a distant cousin of protectionism while preserving the essence of what we do.

"Definitions of Ourselves" - Here we cover how our priorities shape us. Taking an example of how when prioritising a conversation with a girl over finishing your homework due tomorrow is an indication that you like her. Say it's the nicer version of "Up to No Good".

Let's finish them by March. Outlines by this week. Sources by Jan. 1st draft by mid-Feb. Final by Feb. Proofread circulation by 1st week of March. Online circulation by March, and then that's where the internet proofreads. Oooo yeah.

And then I have 2 reports. Gosh. And then I have another 2 research report on club leadership. Goshgosh. And I have monthly topic posts to spin about. Oh goshgosh.

Let's kickstart and finish them by this month of Jan. Make way!

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