Saturday, July 12, 2008

Homework... for P.E.??

And yes, on Friday, we played Softball and behold, the teacher gave us homework on Softball; The difference between Softball and Baseball. Wow, homework for P.E. Check it out. Pretty cool though.

Comparison of baseball and softball

My group has been playing modified softball where the rules change every time, the ball is a tennis ball and we fair play is nothing. We just play for fun. : ) We've been calling it Rounders lately even though it's not wrong.

Do you know that Rounders is older than Baseball? In addition, Rounders originated from England and Baseball from America. Hah, well we are a British school. Click here.

Dang, I love filling myself with information!

Well, I think I will still call it Rounders but let's add the adjective 'modified' behind.

Yeap, I think this is the only time you see people playing Rounders on a concrete 6 levels up and with a Cricket bat. Cool!

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